
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hip Hop Slang files: "That's so Gay, No Homo"

We hear dudes on the street say things like this all the time. I have often wondered why? You don't like his shirt so you say "that shirt is gay". Does it look like a shirt that a gay guy would wear? Most of the time it does not. Did a gay celebrity rock it on TV or in a movie? Probably not. So why is it gay?

It finally hit me tonight. Years ago we would say "that shirt is weak". No let's face facts, whether it is politically correct or not (as if anything about this story IS politically correct LOL), most Heterosexual Men think of gay men as WEAK. Forget about the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of big burly roughneck dudes on the Down Low, when we think of gay men we think of the dainty feminine guys that look like a strong breeze blowing a paper bag would break them in half. The expression, "That ______ is so Gay" actually has nothing to do with sexuality or sexual orientation. This by no means makes it any more socially acceptable... But hopefully it sheds some understanding on the subject and the intent behind it.

"I love you man, No Homo". Now this one I think is a lot easier to understand I am sure though probably no more excusable. It is basically a way to let a guy know that something that might get twisted in the wrong light of context as a homosexual advance or act is not. It is a way of setting the record straight. So why did I bring this one up? I heard someone say "Why use it so negatively, say it positively, like I mean that in a straight kind of way". I could barely contain my laughter as I tried to picture some drug dealer on the street saying that. LOL Then it was my time to respond... "You mean you want a dude that refers to his girl as his 'Bitch' and his best friend as his 'Nigga' to speak positively when saying something negative"? LOL

Personally, I don't use either of these terms... And neither I or XSNRG Magazine condone it's use. This was just an attempt to better understand the culture and it's vernacular.


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