
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kat Stacks interview in HHW

I just read an interview with Kat Stacks in Hip Hop Weekly. That is some story, I feel sorry for her. Growing up in Brooklyn I have seen way more than my share of girls just like her. Quite a gripping tale.
What is troublesome about her story for me, is with all the attention she has gotten recently, she will inspire aspiring celebrity wannabes to follow her path. I almost wish that she didn't tell her story... But when I reflect to one of the last statements in the interview... "If girls can be like, 'Oh, [Kat] made it and she was a grimy-ass Nigga's bottom bitch and she actually made it out of the game?' That like gives [other girls] strength to get the fuck out!". I realize that is a very valid point. But will it make other girls see it as a launching point to fame? I know that she also says that if she could do it all again she would have stayed at home instead of running away with her pimp... But yet she still looks all the better for it. I almost wish she would spend more time promoting she would not have done it again and got really graphic and descriptive of the horrors that befell her and the other girls around her. At least then it might serve as a cautionary tale to ward off the girls wishing to follow in her foot steps.

Part of me is happy for her recent success, but I also have to wonder, at what expense. Though it is not physical, and definitely not as extreme... Is she any better than the pimp that exploited her? Is she not exploiting these stars and mind fucking them in the same way her pimp did her? This is a very dysfunctional situation reality that she lives in. Stars that used her for sex, are now getting used by her... The whole thing is an insane viscous circle. I have a feeling that she is going to spawn a whole new flock of kiss and tell chicks, so all you superstars better watch the fuck out and think twice about who is sucking your dick. LOL You just may be reading about it tomorrow on Twitter or in the media.

I wish her all the best, I just wish she found a more productive way to go about her success. Anybody that has overcome all that she has is unstoppable and I have no doubt we will be hearing about Kat Stacks for a while to come. Personally I think her story would make a great movie.


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