
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hip Hop Nation... Time for action!!!

There is a classicist and racist sentiment floating around this country via the Tea Party movement. Democrats and minorities are in great danger. Obama has been under political assault since the day he entered office and while we have been basking in the euphoric afterglow of the post election results, the opposition has been rapidly growing, energizing their base and gearing up for war... Both metaphorically through their rallies and campaigns as well as literally, through the use of militias motivated by the fear mongering right wing Think Ttank Nazis. They have candidates actually threatening 2nd Amendment Remedies if they do not get the election results they want this November. Let me translte for those of you not aware of what that means. The 2nd Amendment is the right to bear arms. They are making actual threats to overthrow the government if the Nigger in the White House's power is not cut off at the neck or the balls.
I may be more crude about it than they are, but that is in essesence what they are saying. The same guys carrying the pictures of Obama as Hitler and Obama as a monkey in the jungle, are threatening to take up arms against our country and running for office as their platform. The same guys claiming Obama is not an American, who claim Obama is a Muslim Terrorist Sympathizer out to destroy the country by looking out for minorities (and that means YOU Hip Hop Nation) with programs like Obamacare, are looking to TAKE THEIR COUNTRY BACK (from us Niggers)!!! And just how do they plan to do it? With 2nd Amendment Remedies. The 2nd Amendment is about Militias and Arms/Guns. They make statements like this on the news with no repercussions and in campaign statements. Let a bunch of Black, Latino or Muslims talk about "Taking our country back with 2nd Amendment Remedies" and watch how quick we get crushed like cockroaches! Ask the Black Panthers about that.

Check out the article written by guest author FreddieVee right here on XSNRG Magazine.

This is bullshit... The Hip Hop Nation needs to stop thinking about whether Soulja Boy Tell'em will beat Fabolous in a fight and start thinking about if they want to stay living in a free country. We can't sleep through these next elections brothers and sisters. We have to energize our base to defend ourselves against this classicist/racist tidal wave or suffer a political Katrina that will do to our country what Katrina did to New Orleans... Wipe out a lot of us Niggas. Show up at the voting booths like you did to vote Obama in... Cause the man WE put in office is in real danger.


1 comment:

  1. Very interesting points....
    On that note, I came across a video called
    "Yes Sir, No Sir" Which covered the tremendous
    anti-war movement during the 'Nam' era. This was quite informative as I, being a Military Officer, was never afforded this information in the 18 years of service I've rendered. This movement led to organaizations, referenced above like the "Black Panthers"...Also, If you give a damn about your country, or at least for
    those poor people that leapt from the twin towers to avoid being burned alive, you should go to and see their movement seeking the TRUTH about what REALLY happened duirng 911!!! Pick up a copy of "Loose Change" and see for yourself. I am a patriot, I love my country, but I am also far from being an ignorant person. As far as the gun issue, the real danger is now realizing that politicians for the most part are two sides of the same coin. We should focus not on choosing between the 'lesser of two evils' but on how the American people can halt the stripping away of our rights where the true power lies....
